Michelle M. Smith

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Revision as of 10:37, 22 September 2015 by Michellesmith (talk | contribs) (Notes on contributions)
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Michelle M. Smith



Technician, Fire Ecology Laboratory, Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.

B.S., Biology and Environmental Studies, Florida State University (expected December 2015).


I'm currently seeking a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies at Florida State University. I'm a technician in the Fire Ecology Laboratory at Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy. My research interests include plant identification, botany, dendrology, plant ecology, and fire ecology. I enjoy hiking and exploring new areas, plant identification, and taking photographs of plants.

Data sources used

Home page

Contact Info

Email: mms12d@my.fsu.edu

Notes on contributions

Photos: Chamaecrista fasciculata (Partridge Pea); Asclepias curtissii; Calamintha dentata; Agalinis fasciculata

Observations: Asclepias curtissii at Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area, Tequesta, Fl. (August 2015). Agalinis fasciculata flowering along Piney Z Lake (part of Alford Greenway), Tallahassee, Fl. (September 2015).