Tragia urens

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Tragia urens
Tragia urens 1.jpg
Photo by Kevin Robertson
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Order: Euphorbiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Tragia
Species: T. urens
Binomial name
Tragia urens
TRAG UREN dist.jpg
Natural range of Tragia urens from USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Common names: Wavyleaf noseburn, Southeastern noseburn

Taxonomic notes

Synonym: Tragia linearifolia Elliott


"Monoecious, perennial, rhizomatous herbs, armed with stinging trichomes. Leaves alternate, stipulate. Racemes axillary or terminal, or both, lowest 1 or 2 flowers pistillate, the upper staminate. Flowers greenish or purplish; petals absent; staminate flowers with 3-5 sepals and 2 or 3 stamens; pistillate with 3-8 sepals and 3 stigmas. Capsule 3-locular, 4-5 mm long, 7-8 mm in diam., each locule 1-seeded. Seeds light brown with darker mottling, or entirely dark brown, ovoid, 3-3.5 mm long; caruncle obsolete." [1]

"Plant 2-5 dm tall, freely branched. Leaves narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate or linear, 2-10 cm long, 0.2-2 cm wide, irregularly serrate, undulate or entire, base cuneate to attenuate; petioles 1-3 mm long. Racemes short or elongate, 0.3-12 cm long." [1]




In the Coastal Plain in Florida and Georgia, T. urens has been found in sand of open woodlands, pine uplands, fallow fields, annually burned pineland, sandhills, sand pine scrub, longleaf pine/wiregrass communities, and open pine savannas. [2] Associated species include longleaf pine, sand pine, and wiregrass. [2]


It has been observed flowering in April and May and fruiting May through September. [2]

Seed dispersal

This species disperses by explosion mechanisms or by ants. [3]

Conservation and management

Cultivation and restoration

Photo Gallery

References and notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 Radford, Albert E., Harry E. Ahles, and C. Ritchie Bell. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. 1964, 1968. The University of North Carolina Press. 665. Print.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: Last accessed: July 2015. Collectors: Loran C. Anderson, R. A. Norris, Robert K. Godfrey, Andre F. Clewell, Chris Cooksey, M. Davis, J. M. Kane, R. Komarek, Lisa Keppner, Cecil R Slaughter, Annie Schmidt. States and Counties: Florida: Duval, Franklin, Gadsden, Jackson, Leon, Osceola, Wakulla, Washington. Georgia: Thomas. Compiled by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.
  3. Kirkman, L. Katherine. Unpublished database of seed dispersal mode of plants found in Coastal Plain longleaf pine-grasslands of the Jones Ecological Research Center, Georgia.