Hypericum edisonianum

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Hypericum edisonianum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Order: Theales
Family: Clusiaceae ⁄ Guttiferae
Genus: Hypericum
Species: H. edisonianum
Binomial name
Hypericum edisonianum
(Small) P. Adams & N. Robson
Hype edis dist.jpg
Natural range of Hypericum edisonianum from USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Common name: Arcadian St. Johnswort

Taxonomic notes


H. edisonianum is a multi-branched evergreen shrub that forms extensive thickets. The stems are thin and dark with silvery black bark, and are leafless except for the upper branches. Leaves are opposite, oval, gland-dotted abaxially. The flowers are composed of 4 yellow petals, 2 large sepals with pointed tips and rounded bases [1].

This species exhibits traits that are common to rare and geographically limited plant species such as : (a) heavy reliance on clonal propagation to maintain local stands (b) passive seed dispersal resulting in a near-parent seed shadow (c) limited numbers of genetically unique individuals in isolated seasonal pond habitat (d) self-incompatibility (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014).


Its range is limited to the scrubs of the central peninsular Florida in Highlands, Polk, Glades, DeSoto, and Collier counties (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014). Excessive drainage, agriculture, and urban development are locally eliminating the species in this range (Ward 1979).



In the central peninsular counties of Florida, H. edisonianum has been found in ephemeral ponds, flatwood ponds, and wet swales in low pine-palmetto flats, cutthroat grass seeps, and along lake margins (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014; FSU Herbarium). It tends to form dense thickets of ramets in poorly drained sandy sites that have a low pH, little organic matter, and low nutrient status, such as seasonal ponds (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014). Associated species include Andropogon brachystachyus, Ascyrum tetrapetalum, and Ascyrum hypericoides. Soils have been recorded as Paola-Basinger (Spodic Quartzipsamments) (FSU Herbarium).


The amount of flowers in anthesis within ramets are limited and independent of one another because individual flower are short lived and flowering occurs throughout the year. Reproduces by seeds and clonal sprouting from underground rhizomes which is important for demography and genetic structure of populations (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014).

Seed dispersal

Seeds are a dark brown, pointed capsule[1]. It exhibits passive seed dispersal resulting in a near-parent seed shadow. In wet areas, seeds sink and become embedded in sand near the parent unless moved by sheetflow during flooding or by wind during dry periods (Abrahamson and Vander Kloet 2014).

Seed bank and germination

Fire ecology


The following Hymenoptera families and species were observed visiting flowers of Hypericum edisonianum at Archbold Biological Station (Deyrup 2015):

Apidae: Apis mellifera, Bombus impatiens, B. pennsylvanicus

Colletidae: Hylaeus confluens, H. schwarzi

Halictidae: Augochloropsis sumptuosa, Lasioglossum miniatulus, L. nymphalis, L. pectoralis, L. placidensis, L. puteulanum

Megachilidae: Anthidiellum perplexum, Megachile brevis pseudobrevis, M. mendica, M. petulans

Use by animals

Diseases and parasites

Conservation and Management

Cultivation and restoration

Photo Gallery

References and notes

Deyrup, M.A. and N.D. 2015. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA.

Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu. Last accessed: October 2015. Collectors: W.P. Adams, Leonard J. Brass, Edwin L. Bridges, George R. Cooley, R.K. Godfrey, Colleen Hoy, Beverly Judd, Walter S. Judd, Steve L. Orzell, Grady W. Reinert, Joe Testasecca, Daniel B. Ward, Kenneth A. Wilson, Carroll E. Wood. States and Counties: Florida: Glades, Highlands. Compiled by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.

  1. 1.0 1.1 [[1]]FNAI. Accessed: January 5, 2015