Ludwigia pilosa

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Ludwigia pilosa
Ludw pilo.jpg
Photo by Bob Upcavage, Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Order: Myrtales
Family: Onagraceae
Genus: Ludwigia
Species: L. pilosa
Binomial name
Ludwigia pilosa
LUDW PILO dist.jpg
Natural range of Ludwigia pilosa from USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Common name: hairy seedbox[1]

Taxonomic notes

Synonyms: none[1]

Varieties: none[1]


“Repent or erect, usually branched, short-lived perennials, or rarely annual. Floral parts in 4-7’s; hypanthium not prolonged beyond ovary. Capsules longitudinally or poricidally multiseriate, rarely uniseriate. Most of the erect species produce basal offshoots, which have ovate to obovate leaves, in the late summer and fall. Bracteoles occur in pairs on the pedicel or stipe or on the base of the hypanthium.”[2]

"Stems erect, branched, densely pubescent, to 9 m tall. Leaves alternate, elliptic to lanceolate, pubescent, to 7.5 cm long and 13 mm wide; petioles absent or rarely to 2 mm long. Sepals 4, deltoid-ovate, ca. 4 mm long; petals usually absent. Capsules subglobose, pubescent, 3-3.8 mm long and broad; bracteoles linear, 2.5-4.2 mm long; pedicels absent or less than 1 mm long."[2]


L. pilosa ranges from southeastern Virginia to north Florida and west to southeastern Texas. It is restricted to the Coastal Plain with disjunct populations in North Carolina, Virginia, and northern Alabama.[1]



This species can be found in marshes, open meadows, seepages, cypress-gum ponds, bogs, open pinewood lands, as well as edges of hammocks in wet, peaty, loamy sand and mud.[3] It also has been observed in human disturbed areas such as lawns, ditches, clear cut pinewoods, along roadsides, edges of pine plantations, along canals, and near parking areas.[3] Associated species include Ludwigia sphaerocarpa, Cypress, Liquidambar styraciflua, Magnolia, Nyssa, Pinchkneya, Quercus, Ludwigia linearis, Ludwigia octovalvis, Carex, Juncus, Cyperus, Sagittaria, Lythrym, Boltonia, Helianthus, Taxodium, Acer, Pinus elliottii, Ludwigia microcarpa, Lycopus, Ludwigia hirtella, and Ludwigia balata.[3]


L. pilosa has been observed to flower in May and from July through October and fruit from July through November.[3][4]

Conservation, cultivation, and restoration

Cultural use

Photo Gallery

References and notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Weakley, A.S. 2020. Flora of the Southeastern United States. Edition of 20 October 2020. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Radford, Albert E., Harry E. Ahles, and C. Ritchie Bell. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. 1964, 1968. The University of North Carolina Press. 744-7. Print.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: Last accessed: June 2014. Collectors: P. Adams, Loran C. Anderson, Robert K. Godfrey, Almut G. Jones, R. Kral, Robert L. Lazor, Sidney McDaniel, Marc Minno, Neal Morar, T. Myint, R. A. Norris, R. E. Perdue, Jr., Cecil R Slaughter, R. R. Smith, and Jean W. Wooten. States and Counties: Bay, Calhoun, Clay, Columbia, Duval, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Nassau, Okaloosa, Polk, Santa Rosa, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington. Georgia: Grady.
  4. Nelson, G. PanFlora: Plant data for the eastern United States with emphasis on the Southeastern Coastal Plains, Florida, and the Florida Panhandle. Accessed: 12 DEC 2016