Asimina obovata

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Asimina obovata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Asimina
Species: A. obovata
Binomial name
Asimina obovata
(Willd.) Nash
Asim obov dist.jpg
Natural range of Asimina obovata from USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Common names: Bigflower Pawpaw

Taxonomic notes


A description of Asimina obovata is provided in The Flora of North America.

Asimina obovata is a long-lived perennial.[1] Such as other species in the Genus Asimina, it has a deep taproot and resprouts from a lignotuber after fire or disturbance (Kral 1960, 1993). Leaves are alternate and simple with pinnate venation[2].




Asimina obovata is endemic to the xerophytic scrub and sandhill habitats in north and central Florida (Crummer 2003). Associated species include Pinus clausa, Quercus gemiata, Quercus myrtifolia, Ceratiola ericoides, Ilex opaca var. arenicola, Garberia heterophylla, and Persea humilus (Crummer 2003).


Blooms in April <ref="Encyclopedia of Life"/>

Seed dispersal

Seed bank and germination

Fire ecology


The following Hymenoptera families and species were observed visiting flowers of Asimina obovata at Archbold Biological Station (Deyrup 2015):

Apidae: Apis mellifera

Vespidae: Polistes dorsalis hunteri

Use by animals

In order to protect itself from herbivory, A. obovata contains a toxin called annonaceous acetogenins which inhibits mitochondrial respiration in preditors. [3] <refname="Encyclopedia of Life"/>

Gopher tortoises have been observed to eat the ripe fruit and spit out the seeds (Norman and Clayton 1986).

Diseases and parasites

Conservation and Management

Cultivation and restoration

Photo Gallery

References and notes

Deyrup, M.A. 2015. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA.