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==References and notes==
==References and notes==
Abrahamson, W.G., A.E. Johnson, J.N. Layne, and P.A. Peroni. 1984. Vegetation of the Archbold Biological Station, Florida: an example of the southern Lake Wales Ridge. Florida Scientist 47:209-250.
Abrahamson, W.G. 1984a. Species responses to fire on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge. American Journal of Botany 71:35-43.
Abrahamson, W.G. 1984B. Post-fire recovery on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge associates vegetation. American Journal of Botany 71:9-21.
Abrahamson, W.G., A.E. Johnson, J.N. Layne, and P.A. Peroni. 1984. Vegetation of the Archbold Biological Station, Florida: an example of the southern Lake Wales Ridge. Florida Scientist 47:209-250. Abrahamson, W.G. 1984a. Species responses to fire on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge. American Journal of Botany 71:35-43. Abrahamson, W.G. 1984B. Post-fire recovery on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge associates vegetation. American Journal of Botany 71:9-21.
Deyrup, M.A. and N.D. 2015. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA.
Deyrup, M.A. and N.D. 2015. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA.
Evans, M. E. K., E. S. Menges, et al. (2003). "Reproductive biology of three sympatric endangered plants endemic to Florida scrub." Biological Conservation 111(2): 235-246.
Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: [http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu]. Last accessed: October 2015. Collectors: Beverly Judd, Walter S. Judd, R. Kral, Siri von Reis. States and Counties: Florida:  Highlands, St. Lucie. Compiled by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.
Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: [http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu]. Last accessed: October 2015. Collectors: Beverly Judd, Walter S. Judd, R. Kral, Siri von Reis. States and Counties: Florida:  Highlands, St. Lucie. Compiled by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.
Hawks, C.V. and E.S. Menges. 1996. The relationship between open space and fire for species in xeric Florida scrubland. Bulletin. Torrey Bot. Club. Kral, R. 1983. Eryngium cuneifolium. In: A report on some rare, threatened, or endangered forest-related vascular plants of the south. USDA Forest Service, technical publication R8-TP2.
Molly E. Hunter, and Eric S. Menges. “Allelopathic Effects and Root Distribution of Ceratiola Ericoides (empetraceae) on Seven Rosemary Scrub Species”. American Journal of Botany 89.7 (2002): 1113–1118.
Menges, E.S. and C.V. Hawks 1996. Interactive effects of fire and microhabitat on plants of Florida scrub.
Menges, E.S. and J. Kimmich. 1996. Microhabitat and time since fire: effects on demography of a Florida scrub endemic plant. American journal of Botany 93.
Menges, E. 1998. Comments on technical/agency draft multi-species recovery plan for South Florida. September 30, 1998.
Menges, Eric S., and Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio. “Population Viability with Fire in Eryngium Cuneifolium: Deciphering a Decade of Demographic Data”. Ecological Monographs 74.1 (2004): 79–99.
Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro R., and Eric S. Menges. “Competitive Abilities of Three Narrowly Endemic Plant Species in Experimental Neighborhoods Along a Fire Gradient”. American Journal of Botany 87.5 (2000): 690–69
Wunderlin, R.P., D. Richardson, and B. Hansen. 1981. Status report on Eryngium cuneifolium. Unpublished report for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Revision as of 15:10, 14 December 2015

Eryngium cuneifolium
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants
Class: Magnoliopsida - Dicotyledons
Order: Apiales
Family: Apiaceae ⁄ Umbelliferae
Genus: Eryngium
Species: E. cuneifolium
Binomial name
Eryngium cuneifolium
Eryn cune dist.jpg
Natural range of Eryngium cuneifolium from USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Common name: wedgeleaf eryngo

Taxonomic notes


It is a aromatic perennial herb with a basal rosette [1] that starts flowering 2 to 3 years after germination (Menges and Quintana-Ascencio 2004). It is endemic to the pyrogenic Ceratiola scrubs of the southern portion of the Lake Wales ridge and has developed a long, woody taproot to cope with the limited nutrient and water availability (Menges and Quintana-Ascencio 2004). Basal leaves are long, stalked and shaped like narrow wedges with 3 to 5 bristle-tipped teeth at the apex [1]. Perfect flower are arranged in a compound umbel and are small with white petals, filaments, styles and stigmas[2][1].


Eryngium cuneifolium is limited to a narrow geographic range in the southern portion of the Lake Wales Ridge in Ceratiola scrubs [1].



E. cuneifolium is limited to the southern portion of the Lake Wales Ridge in acidic, excessively well drained, white sands of the St. Lucie or Archold series (hyperthermic, uncoated typic quartzipsamments)(Hawkes 2004). It can be found in exposed openings in Ceratiola ericoides scrubs created by fire and other disturbances (FSU Herbarium; Menges and Kimmich 1996). Individuals are sensitive to microhabitat conditions, such as disturbance, plant cover and fire regime. Allelopathic chemicals released from Ceratiola ericioides and Calamintha ashei can inhibit germination and survival of E. cuneifolium (Hawkes 2004; Menges and Kimmich 1996). Associated species include Pinus elliottii, P. clausa, Quercus myrtifolia, Bumelia tenax, Persea palustris, Lyonia, Palafocia feayi, Sabal etonia, Liatris ohlingeae, Hypericum cumulicola, Lechea cernua, Quercus inopina, Q. geminanta, Q. chapmannii, Ximenia americana, Palafoxia feayi, Opuntia humifusa, Smilax auriculata, Nolina brittonia,and Polygonella fimbriata [2](FSU Herbarium).


Flowers and fruits April through November (FSU Herbarium). The perfect flowers are clustered in groups of 9-15 on a headlike compressed umbel and arranged in a compound umbel (Menges and Kimmich 1996). The flowers are protandrous and mature rapidly, with each umbel passing through a male phase, then a brief sexually inactive phase, followed by a female phase (Evans et al. 2003). The flowers produce nectar, pollen and odor to attract pollinators and have a low rate of inbreeding.

Seed dispersal

Fruits are small schizocarps and dispersed barochorically (Hawkes 2004; Menges and Kimmich 1996).

Seed bank and germination

The seeds of E. cuneifolium are small, making germination susceptible to microsite changes and soil crust characteristics (Hawkes 2004). Germination occurs a year after sowing (Quintana-Ascencio and Menges 2000) and germination is inhibited by water soluble litter and leachates from C. ericoides (Hawkes 2004). The persistent seed banks of E. cuneifolium may use allelochemicals from Ceratiola as a cue to induce seed dormancy in order to avoid competition with Ceratiola (Hunter and Menges 2002).

Fire ecology

Florida rosemary scrubs recover slowly post-fire compared to other scrubs and the scrub structure progressively changes for decades in between fires (Johnson and Abrahamson 1990). E. cuneifolium depends on gaps in the Florida rosemary scrub, due to limiting microhabitat conditions and it's failure to thrive in close proximity to Ceratiola ericoides and Calamintha ashei due to allelopathic chemicals leached by both species (Menges and Kimmich 1996). Fires kill all C. ericoides individuals , and early postfire conditions of low shrub cover and limited competition are ideal for E. cuneifolium germination. Menges and Quintana-Ascencio (2004) found that individuals in recently burned areas live long, survive better, grow faster and flower earlier than those that germinate in areas that have not burned recently. Fire has a positive effect on seed production, recruitment and survival, with seedlings appearing within a year of fire.


The following Hymenoptera families and species were observed visiting flowers of Eryngium cuneifolium at Archbold Biological Station (Deyrup 2015):

Apidae: Bombus pennsylvanicus

Colletidae: Colletes mandibularis

Halictidae: Augochlora pura, Augochlorella aurata, Augochloropsis sumptuosa, Lasioglossum miniatulus, L. nymphalis, L. placidensis, Sphecodes heraclei

Leucospididae: Leucospis affinis, L. robertsoni, L. slossonae

Megachilidae: Anthidiellum perplexum, Coelioxys mexicana, C. octodentata, C. sayi, Dianthidium floridiense, Megachile albitarsis, M. brevis pseudobrevis, M. mendica, M. texana

Pompilidae: Episyron conterminus posterus

Sphecidae: Anacrabro ocellatus, Bembix sayi, Bicyrtes capnoptera, Cerceris blakei, C. flavofasciata floridensis, Ectemnius rufipes ais, Isodontia exornata, Oxybelus laetus fulvipes, Philanthus politus, Prionyx thomae, Sphex ichneumoneus, Tachysphex similis, Tachytes guatemalensis, T. validus

Vespidae: Euodynerus boscii boharti, E. castigatus rubrivestris, Pachodynerus erynnis, Polistes perplexus

Use by animals

Diseases and parasites

Conservation and Management

E. cuneifolium is limited to the southern region of the Lake Wales Ridge, much of which is being converted to agricultural lands and urban development, threatening many endemic species. Fragmentation of the intact Florida rosemary scrubs prevents the spread of fire and may indirectly threaten it [1]. Populations are protected at Archbold Biological Station and at the Bok Towers Gardens national endangered species collection.

Cultivation and restoration

Photo Gallery

References and notes

Abrahamson, W.G., A.E. Johnson, J.N. Layne, and P.A. Peroni. 1984. Vegetation of the Archbold Biological Station, Florida: an example of the southern Lake Wales Ridge. Florida Scientist 47:209-250.

Abrahamson, W.G. 1984a. Species responses to fire on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge. American Journal of Botany 71:35-43.

Abrahamson, W.G. 1984B. Post-fire recovery on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge associates vegetation. American Journal of Botany 71:9-21.

Abrahamson, W.G., A.E. Johnson, J.N. Layne, and P.A. Peroni. 1984. Vegetation of the Archbold Biological Station, Florida: an example of the southern Lake Wales Ridge. Florida Scientist 47:209-250. Abrahamson, W.G. 1984a. Species responses to fire on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge. American Journal of Botany 71:35-43. Abrahamson, W.G. 1984B. Post-fire recovery on the Florida Lake Wales Ridge associates vegetation. American Journal of Botany 71:9-21.

Deyrup, M.A. and N.D. 2015. Database of observations of Hymenoptera visitations to flowers of plants on Archbold Biological Station, Florida, USA.

Evans, M. E. K., E. S. Menges, et al. (2003). "Reproductive biology of three sympatric endangered plants endemic to Florida scrub." Biological Conservation 111(2): 235-246.

Florida State University Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium database. URL: http://herbarium.bio.fsu.edu. Last accessed: October 2015. Collectors: Beverly Judd, Walter S. Judd, R. Kral, Siri von Reis. States and Counties: Florida: Highlands, St. Lucie. Compiled by Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy.

Hawks, C.V. and E.S. Menges. 1996. The relationship between open space and fire for species in xeric Florida scrubland. Bulletin. Torrey Bot. Club. Kral, R. 1983. Eryngium cuneifolium. In: A report on some rare, threatened, or endangered forest-related vascular plants of the south. USDA Forest Service, technical publication R8-TP2.

Molly E. Hunter, and Eric S. Menges. “Allelopathic Effects and Root Distribution of Ceratiola Ericoides (empetraceae) on Seven Rosemary Scrub Species”. American Journal of Botany 89.7 (2002): 1113–1118.

Menges, E.S. and C.V. Hawks 1996. Interactive effects of fire and microhabitat on plants of Florida scrub.

Menges, E.S. and J. Kimmich. 1996. Microhabitat and time since fire: effects on demography of a Florida scrub endemic plant. American journal of Botany 93.

Menges, E. 1998. Comments on technical/agency draft multi-species recovery plan for South Florida. September 30, 1998.

Menges, Eric S., and Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio. “Population Viability with Fire in Eryngium Cuneifolium: Deciphering a Decade of Demographic Data”. Ecological Monographs 74.1 (2004): 79–99.

Quintana-Ascencio, Pedro R., and Eric S. Menges. “Competitive Abilities of Three Narrowly Endemic Plant Species in Experimental Neighborhoods Along a Fire Gradient”. American Journal of Botany 87.5 (2000): 690–69

Wunderlin, R.P., D. Richardson, and B. Hansen. 1981. Status report on Eryngium cuneifolium. Unpublished report for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 [FWS]Accessed: December 11, 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 [Encyclopedia of Life]